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Hope not a destination, but a plan!

Wow! I am so excited about what I'll be sharing with you today as it is one of the things that I've learnt the hard way. I was sitting in church and the message was about hope, how we tend to lose hope for sometimes trivial reasons.

I realised then that I have to share my view of Hope with you.

Have you sometimes felt overwhelmed and hopeless?

Have you wondered how you got into this mess in the first place?

O I've done so, so many times until I found out what Hope actually is.

Definition of health in English:



1The state of being free from illness or injury

Definition of objective in English:


1(Of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts

Definition of plan in English:


1A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something (English

Definition of extraordinary in English


1. Beyond what is ordinary or usual: extraordinary authority.

2. Highly exceptional; remarkable: an extraordinary achievement.

3. Employed or used for a special service, function, or occasion. (

Did you get that? Hope is a Healthy Objective Planned Extraordinarily! So what do I mean? Do you have faith that this year will be better? Or are you like so many others hoping, wishing but not sure if it will be? My goodness do I have something for you!

Let's look at the definition of faith quickly :



1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something.


Hebrews 11:1 New International Version (NIV)

Faith in Action
11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. (Bible Gateway)

Okay so what we see here is that hope cannot stand alone from faith. Why do I point this out? Well because if you hope without faith there's going to be disapointments coming your way! So what do you do?

Take your hopes and dreams for 2016 and write them down.

Next decide which is realistically achievable.

Then decide which of these is most important to YOU. (If you want it bad enough you'll get it)

Now give them a realistic timeline, each one of them, think it through very carefully.

Now write down an action plan for each of these goals or objectives.

Now many would stop here, oh no it's not that simple! Find someone you trust to hold you accountable for your action steps.

This is where I'll gladly step in and assist you with that. Make sure that if your timeline is weekly check in daily, if it's monthly check in weekly so that you make sure you do what must be done on time and in sequince.

Let's re-cap quickly:

H = Healthy

O = Objectives (goals)

P = Planned

E = Extraordinarily

Go ahead enjoy every minute of this year, plan it and go get it!

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