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I was born and lived in Cullinan for 10 years of my life. We moved to Pretoria and the rough and tumble life started of moving every year or every few months to a different suburb. I've been to 13 schools in the 12 school years so I've never really learnt how to keep friendships going, it just seemed pointless as I'll be moving on soon. The friendships I did keep was because those friends saw something bigger and better in me than I did!

Matriculated in 1989 and off to the army where much of the same happened, started as signaller and ended as an infantryman. I was so insecure and so lost that I made the wrong friends, got into more trouble than anyone could ever know but because I was likeable and ignorant got assistance from higher up in the ranks and came out scott free.

I started working and didn't fare much better, first medical claims clerk then the security industry and eventually in FMCG as a Fieldmarketer. All the time not knowing who I really am and what I'm supposed to do in life exept living and using others.

I got married to the most beautiful girl that was interested in me, not because I wanted to but had to! I ruined her early adulthood as she was just 18 and I was 25. I suddenly had a mission: provide for a family I didn't really wanted to have at that stage, surviving the pains of trying to fit into a relationship that actually was not meant to be. I threw myself into work, neglected the relationship which consisted of sex rather than love and eventually ended up loosing everything I held dear: My wife (whom I found I loved actually deeply because she loved me for who I was) my work where I actually excelled and did well. All the material things that came with success.

In 2001 I had to start over, I was a royal mess, tried to start a handyman business that kept going belly up as I was so full of myself that I didn't consider getting a mentor to assist me in building a strong business. I ended up in 2003 jobless, homeless and with no-one to help me. Yes my brothers who is 7 and 8 years younger than myself tried to help but eventually got fed-up being used and kicked me out on my butt!

The best thing that could have happened to me ever as I took stock of my life and with my mothers help started to re-focus and I progressively did better in business and life. I had some serious help along the way and a friend gave me a break in 2005 to help them in RDP housing, between him and his partner I learnt a lot and eventually broke away in 2006 to do my own thing again. It went well and ended in 2008 where I again lost all I had, this time due to developers who was just more ruthless than I was. I went to work for a copier company then eventually started with Mirrodex where my life started changing for the better again.

I was so negative that I could power up Escom for a year at that stage! I got managed by a sales manager who oneday called me in in 2010 and said "Boet you need to change, start being positive or I'll be forced to fire you as you're bringing everybody down." What did he know? I'm Mr Big-shot! But I did put an effort in to become more positive as God was working in my life. I got hi-jacked on 30 September 2010, a life changing day as I was a new christian at that time. My Mom passed away in March that year and as she passed I felt a hug from sommeone (could have been her or God Himself?) that day I changed forever. I wanted that feeling of being at peace so much that I went all out to find it. Nothing would stop me from finding it, I needed it! Like the air I breathe!

I went to fetch my Dad who at that stage was also homeless, I honoured him although at that stage he had done enough bad stuff to hurt me that I probably shouldn't have! But God was busy... For months I had this disticnt feeling that my time was up, I made all the arrangements that I could and then eventually on 30 September I was to die. However God moved and spared my life and He said to me in my spirit: "Honour they Father and Mother so that your days may be lengthened..."

A new mission in life began that day: start making a difference and seek God in all I do. I ended up resigning from Mirrodex and a restraint of trade got enforced and for a year I was at home again jobless but focused on God and I can honestly say that I experienced Gods grace daily: Food that never ran out, every weekend when the kids visited there was enough for them and myself. My landlord bought me a car so that I could work! Petrol lasted for 1000s of kilometers without me putting any in! I experienced miracles daily! I started working again but never felt fullfilled anywhere so I started thinking about what my talents are? What am I good at? What do I love to do? I ended up in a local caregroup that did a course on what your spiritual gifts are. I found my talent or gift and immediately did the "Get aLife in 40 days" course. I also did the Coach course and this is the result: I'm going to give back to others, helping them to achieve excellence in life with the right guidance and over 1000 different assessments and assignments at my disposal to help and guide you to a better life. 

Thank you for reading my life story, I hope that it would inspire you to become even greater than you are today.

Jacques Booysen

PHd University of Life and Constant Student

"Get a Life" - Life Coach


I have been priveledged enough to learn from my and others mistakes. I created a life that is fullfilling in everyway by the Grace of God. My goal in life has changed from getting as much as I can to giving as much as possible.

To live a life of giving is so much more rewarding than anything else, by coaching others I attain a satisfaction that was in my mind impossible until I discovered the pleasure of making a difference!

Some people loves making waves, I love making a difference and helping others to do so also. Come and learn to love life in all it's fullness, learn to cope with the tears, the laughter and those significant moments.


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"Much more than I anticipated! Wow!" Ronel Breedt



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"An inspirational, eye-opening and life changing workshop" - Stephan Swart



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