The 8 Keys to Successful Living
In my life I’ve learnt a few very important lessons. Those lessons I found to be applicable to everything I do in life. The first of...
A New Life in 2016 is just a call or e-mail away!
Get a Life is about getting the Life you want now. I'll help you to get the right 7 questions answered over 40 days (2 hrs per week). ...
Hope not a destination, but a plan!
Wow! I am so excited about what I'll be sharing with you today as it is one of the things that I've learnt the hard way. I was sitting in...
Congratulations on making it to 2016!
My goodness what a year this was! I know I know you haven't had any blog from me in a long while, so much has happened since we last...
Lack of focus
Welcome to my very first blog! I hope that we could both learn a few new things as we go along on this journey of life. Over the past few...