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Jacques Booysen
Goal Clarity/Resume & Interview Skills/Navigating Office Dynamics/Balance Work , Life, Family/Earning The Money
You Deserve/Breaking Through Barriers
Let's begin at the begining, everyone wishes that they had the magic elixir to make their work life better. Some of us wish they new what to do or what career to follow! A doctor once walked into a psyciatrists office and said that he hates his life! The psychiatrist was floored as the doctors life looked and seemed so together and well organised. The doctor answered that a 16 year old naive boy gave him career advise: " If you want to live well and earn good money you need to become a doctor" that boy was himself! He followed money instead of his talents and life desire to be involved in the arts!
First we determine your talents and strengths as this will be the tools that you'll need throughout life to earn a living. They will also determine your ultimate level of happiness as what you do everyday has a huge impact on what you think and feel everyday.
Einstein said - "Find something you love to do and you'll never work a day" This is enormously true as I can attest to that.
Career Coaching
Mid Career Consultations
Conflict Resolution
Career Transitions